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Offie Mag's Music of the Month: November 2023


Every month we curate a playlist for you and what do we get in return?

Lots of nice feedback. Thank you very much to Sam in South London who said of our Music of the Month playlist: 'Consistent quality in selection! Many pats on backs.'

Top of the bill this month is H31R. A duo made up of New York rapper maassai and New Jersey producer JWords. This is Hip Hop from the future with odes to the past. It moves at such a unique pace, on your first listen its abrupt end will feel like you've just had the blanket ripped off you on a December morning.

And speaking of December mornings, create some space in your condensation-filled windows to look out and contemplate whilst that new Pretty V plays. Is there any sound, genre or feeling that this Wakefield wonder can't nail?

As always, if you're viewing this blog article in the future, be sure to check the rolling archive of Music of the Month selections. 1255 songs strong at the last count.